Many definitions and format recommendations used in this review are directly quoted form the APA 6 Manual to avoid confusion or 'errors of translation'. All content in this offering should be considered directly referenced from the APA 6 manual unless otherwise noted. Note: that all information in this review is taken directly from the 6th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010) known as the APA 6 Manual.
This module will discuss how to create a manuscript/paper/article using APA 6 format, we will not simply present changes from previous versions because many users may be learning APA for the first time and are not familiar with older versions. For information on plagiarism, copyright, grammar and other writing issues, please refer to the APA 6 manual or other writing resources. NOTE: This offering will only present how to physically structure an APA 6 manuscript. You can repeat activities an unlimited amount of times to achieve course points. Each activity has points associated with it.

You will encounter interactive activities and knowledge reviews as you progress through the course. When you see a highlighted or colored word, click on it with your mouse to see additional information.

This continuing education offering will guide you through the creation of a manuscript in accordance with the new APA 6 guidelines. Review, Update and Changes - 2011 Welcome to the APA 6 Manuscript Creation Review